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Black Cowboy, Wild Horse Kelly Kraklow

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Black Cowboy, Wild Horse Kelly Kraklow
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Zkuste to zdarma!

Storyboard Text

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action 1
  • Bob and his horse Warrior set out on the great plains to find a group of mustangs.
  • Rising Action 2
  • Bob knows it will be hard to track the mustangs "Bob had never learned to read but he could read the ground to see where the horses went.
  • Climax
  • Bob keeps getting closer and closer to the mustangs so when the stain looks up from eating Bob gets scared.
  • Falling Action
  • The culture trips in a hole and fall and then a rattle snake bites her leg so she dies the stain try to rush the mother away but the mother refuses.
  • Bob galloped Warrior to the front of the herd as he knew now was the time to take over because the stallion would not have had the heart to fight as hard. Bob charged Warrior at the stallion and the horse fought until the stallion retreated. Bob and Warrior were triumphant.
  • Bob starts to lead the horses back to the farm and the mustangs followed him and Warrior like "they were being lead on ropes". 
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