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A single shard

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A single shard
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Zkuste to zdarma!

Storyboard Text

  • Tree-ear and Crane-man under the bridge
  • I brought home rice!
  • Very good put it in the pot.
  • Tree-ear Breaks the pot
  • Oh No!
  • A bowl always Full
  • I thought I ate half of it?
  • How is it full?
  • A hiker spilled rice out of his back pack, so tree ear decided not to tell him either until there was to much for him to even pick up. The hiker let tree-ear have the fallen rice, and tree ear brought it back for him and crane-man to share.
  • Demon Question
  • Tree-ear had made it regular to go and watch min spin pots, until went in and took a closer look. Tree-ear accidentally knocked the table and the pot fell off and broke. When Min came outside he found his broken pot and tree-ear standing next to it. He made tree-ear work for him as a punishment.
  • Flying Vases
  • What are these vases
  • I only have a single shard.
  • When tree-ear started working for him for real they were ordered to feed him. Ajima would feed tree-ear. When tree-0ear realized that needed to save some for his friend crane-man tree-ear would start eating half of it then hiding it. Everyday he would hide it and at the end of the day he would grab it and go home. Then one night when he grabbed the bowl he found that it was completely full.
  • The Emissary’s wise words
  • Your master does fine work give him this and tell him congratulstions
  • Tree-ear started to watch a potter named Kang, and Kang had a different way of making pots. That night when tree-ear came home he asked crane-man if talking to Min about Kangs idea would be stealing.
  • Is it stealing?
  • If you did not ask....
  • When tree-ear was in the middle of his journey to see the important potter he came across robbers. They stole his backpack and polled out the pots. The robbers were mad because they thought that there would be valuable things in his back pack. The robbers were so mad and disappointed that they through all of Mins work off a cliff.
  • When tree-ear finally got to the emissary he had nothing to show but a single shard. The emissary examined the piece and gladly gave tree-ear a note saying that mIn had been accepted.
  • I only have a single shard.
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