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Výstupní Lístek 8

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Výstupní Lístek 8
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Šablona Lístku na Ukončení | Tisknutelné Výstupní Lístky

Storyboard Text

  • Name: _______________________________________________________________
  • Name: _______________________________________________________________
  • Date: ___________________________________
  • Date: ___________________________________
  • Circle the Sticky that best describes how you are feeling about today's lesson.Then, write 1 thing you learned and 1 thing you need help with.
  • Circle the Sticky that best describes how you are feeling about today's lesson.Then, write 1 thing you learned and 1 thing you need help with.
  • How did you do today? / Other Text Here
  • How did you do today? / Other Text Here
  • Successful! I understood everything!
  • Successful! I understood everything!
  • Confident! I understood most of it!
  • Confident! I understood most of it!
  • Confused. There were things I didn't understand
  • Confused. There were things I didn't understand
  • Worried. I did not understand most of it.
  • Worried. I did not understand most of it.
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Storyboard That Family