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Výstupní Lístek 5

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Describe today's lesson in 1 sentence:

Enter Text Here

Make a connection! One way I can connect this lesson to my life is:

Enter Text Here

Prioritize! The three most important things I learned in this lesson are:

Enter Text Here

Wonder! What questions do you still have?
What would you like to learn more about?

Enter Text Here

Reflect on your own learning!
What helped you understand the lesson today?

Enter Text Here


Reflect on today's lesson and write your answers below!

Výstupní Lístek 5
Storyboard That

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Šablona Lístku na Ukončení | Tisknutelné Výstupní Lístky

Storyboard Text

  • Reflect on today's lesson and write your answers below!
  • Summarize! Describe today's lesson in 1 sentence:Enter Text Here Make a connection! One way I can connect this lesson to my life is:Enter Text Here Prioritize! The three most important things I learned in this lesson are:Enter Text Here Wonder! What questions do you still have? What would you like to learn more about?Enter Text Here Reflect on your own learning!What helped you understand the lesson today?Enter Text Here
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