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Jediný Ivan Katherine Applegate

EXPOZICE: Uzavření


CLIMAX: Billboard

AKCE NA PÁD: Bílé pláště

ŘEŠENÍ: Lepší život

There is only one Ivan. There is no others like him, and also sometimes he believes he is the only gorilla of his kind left in the world. Held in captivity for 27 years, Ivan makes the best of the situation, making friends and saving friends.

The Big Top Mall and Video Arcade is Ivan’s home. He and his friend Stella, an old and wise African elephant, have lived here for years, confined and used for the entertainment of humans. Stella’s health is declining, and being cooped up for so long is really taking its toll on Ivan.

When Mack buys Ruby, a baby elephant, to make the arcade more appealing for visitors, she and Stella form an instant bond. Stella’s foot infection gets worse and spreads, with little hope that Mack will do anything due to lack of money. Stella dies, and Ivan has promised to take care of Ruby.

Ivan works day and night to create pictures of Ruby in a zoo for the large billboard on the street. Julia and her father pick up on Ivan’s plan, and hang the pictures at night for all to see the next morning.

The billboard attracts the attention of many people, including protesters who think the confinement of the animals is unfair and cruel. People in white coats keep coming by, and train Ivan and Ruby to go into a box.

The Big Top Mall is closed down and the animals are all brought elsewhere. Bob goes to live with Julia and her dad, and Ivan and Ruby are taken to a wonderful zoo, where they are with their own kind and have plenty of space in the open air.

Dokážete to, Ivane!

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