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The Hate U Give Story Board

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The Hate U Give Story Board
Storyboard That

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Zkuste to zdarma!

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Zkuste to zdarma!

Storyboard Popis

Chapters 1-6

Storyboard Text

  • QUICK! Let's take my car!
  • So.. What have you been up to lately?
  • Mind your business, Starr! Don’t worry ’bout me. I’m doing what I gotta do
  • No, no, no!
  • Don't MOVE, girl!
  • When a fight breaks out and shots ring at the big annual spring party in Garden Hill, everyone rushes outside, putting a sudden end to the party. Khalil offers to drive Starr to her home as she didn't drive their.
  • It's okay baby, everything is okay.
  • When I finally can speak up, all I'm doing is staying silent...
  • Don't you worry Starr, I'm gonna to make sure nothing happens to you, or any of us
  • While Khalil and Starr were making small talk, the sensitive subject of Kahlil's income comes up. By his guarded response and his new expensive sneakers, Starr confirms that Khalil is still selling drugs.
  • Starr! What happened, what's wrong?
  • Just leave me alone!
  • Suddenly, Khalil and Starr are pulled over by a police officer claiming that the car's taillight light is broken. Instead of simply giving a ticket and going on his way, Khalil is forced out of the car and roughly patted down 3 times for drugs or such. When the police officer has his back to them, Khalil leans down to check if Starr is okay. In the process, the police officer misinterprets Khalil's actions and shoots him, 3 times! Instead of checking on Khalil and feeling the slightest bit of guilt, the police officer redirects the gun towards Starr!
  • Not from what I've gathered!
  • Look sweetie, we want justice as much as you do.
  • Starr witnessed both of her childhood best friends die to a policeman's gun. She has trouble getting back to her routine and experiences frequent nightmares. When she is given the opportunity to share her side of the story in front of detectives Starr decides to do so. Her parents are hesitant as they are worried that the detectives may manipulate her words to benefit the police officer.
  • At school, Starr does not tell anyone of the incident, wanting to avoid sympathy and pity that should be going to Khalil. During the day, she meets up with her boyfriend, who happens to be of Caucasian origin. When they are discussing something, she has a sudden flashback, bringing tears and hate as she remembers the incident, and makes the connection that both Chris and the police officer were White.
  • When the time finally comes for Starr to give her statement, the turnout of events goes as Starr and her parents had feared. Instead of questioning the police officer's actions they continuously interrogate and attempt to twist Starr's words when she is asked about Khalil.
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