Aiden cares I'm his brother so what you don't have to be mean to us but brothers till we die I don't care if we're pouring rich but we always but we always step up together it's me and Kevin
Boring people and also will let people blame so you're not bullying us cuz for robbing Kevin and also for my the one to play with a man can invest from Forever
You guys are so poor at my house
Skluzavka: 2
You pleasant you are so poor my wife is written than you i don't want to hear you broke boy how do you
I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I don't have that much money when my mom's before I'm so sorry
You broke mine don't you no no how to clean up ever again you spelled on my clothes it's Rupaul
Stop being mean to me it's okay for a retro poor it's about if you have stuff is stop being mean to people and also I'm the president
Skluzavka: 3
Pro why are you so annoying you are so poor and also give me your lunch money now are you regret it loser
I don't even know you meet me why are you so mean to me i'm not giving you my lunch money
Little bro stop being mean to when do I at least that the stuff you want he's hair number and that's a bullying people who want your money enough so do you know who I am on the principal Song