As the years passed, Adam's offspring multiplied in number, but they also grew in wickedness. When God saw all of these evil deeds, he resolved to wipe out all of the people and creatures he had created.
Noah, on the other hand, was a man who worshipped and adored God no matter what. The world has gone wicked, God said Noah, and I intend to obliterate everything and everyone in it except you and your family. As a result, God chose to save him, his wife and their 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God I trust you and I will do what you say
God instructed Noah, He will bring a big flood to sweep across the land, and you must construct an ark, in which a female and a male must make us, and there must be enough food to last for 40 days.
The animals then were ordered to board the ark by God.
After some time had gone, Noah decided to release a dove outside to see if there was any land for them to travel on, but there was none.
Noah repeated this process until the dove did not return the third time, at which point he peered outside and noticed the earth was dry.
Now you must leave the ark, and the world is for you, God declared to Noah.
Noah made a sacrifice and constructed an altar to honour God. Noah's family was blessed by God, and then a rainbow appeared.
As the years passed, Adam's offspring multiplied in number, but they also grew in wickedness. When God saw all of these evil deeds, he resolved to wipe out all of the people and creatures he had created.
Noah, on the other hand, was a man who worshipped and adored God no matter what. The world has gone wicked, God said Noah, and I intend to obliterate everything and everyone in it except you and your family. As a result, God chose to save him, his wife and their 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God I trust you and I will do what you say
God instructed Noah, He will bring a big flood to sweep across the land, and you must construct an ark, in which a female and a male must make us, and there must be enough food to last for 40 days.
The animals then were ordered to board the ark by God.
After some time had gone, Noah decided to release a dove outside to see if there was any land for them to travel on, but there was none.
Noah repeated this process until the dove did not return the third time, at which point he peered outside and noticed the earth was dry.
Now you must leave the ark, and the world is for you, God declared to Noah.
Noah made a sacrifice and constructed an altar to honour God. Noah's family was blessed by God, and then a rainbow appeared.
As the years passed, Adam's offspring multiplied in number, but they also grew in wickedness. When God saw all of these evil deeds, he resolved to wipe out all of the people and creatures he had created.
Noah, on the other hand, was a man who worshipped and adored God no matter what. The world has gone wicked, God said Noah, and I intend to obliterate everything and everyone in it except you and your family. As a result, God chose to save him, his wife and their 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God I trust you and I will do what you say
God instructed Noah, He will bring a big flood to sweep across the land, and you must construct an ark, in which a female and a male must make us, and there must be enough food to last for 40 days.
The animals then were ordered to board the ark by God.
After some time had gone, Noah decided to release a dove outside to see if there was any land for them to travel on, but there was none.
Noah repeated this process until the dove did not return the third time, at which point he peered outside and noticed the earth was dry.
Now you must leave the ark, and the world is for you, God declared to Noah.
Noah made a sacrifice and constructed an altar to honour God. Noah's family was blessed by God, and then a rainbow appeared.
As the years passed, Adam's offspring multiplied in number, but they also grew in wickedness. When God saw all of these evil deeds, he resolved to wipe out all of the people and creatures he had created.
Noah, on the other hand, was a man who worshipped and adored God no matter what. The world has gone wicked, God said Noah, and I intend to obliterate everything and everyone in it except you and your family. As a result, God chose to save him, his wife and their 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God I trust you and I will do what you say
God instructed Noah, He will bring a big flood to sweep across the land, and you must construct an ark, in which a female and a male must make us, and there must be enough food to last for 40 days.
The animals then were ordered to board the ark by God.
After some time had gone, Noah decided to release a dove outside to see if there was any land for them to travel on, but there was none.
Noah repeated this process until the dove did not return the third time, at which point he peered outside and noticed the earth was dry.
Now you must leave the ark, and the world is for you, God declared to Noah.
Noah made a sacrifice and constructed an altar to honour God. Noah's family was blessed by God, and then a rainbow appeared.
As the years passed, Adam's offspring multiplied in number, but they also grew in wickedness. When God saw all of these evil deeds, he resolved to wipe out all of the people and creatures he had created.
Noah, on the other hand, was a man who worshipped and adored God no matter what. The world has gone wicked, God said Noah, and I intend to obliterate everything and everyone in it except you and your family. As a result, God chose to save him, his wife and their 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God I trust you and I will do what you say
God instructed Noah, He will bring a big flood to sweep across the land, and you must construct an ark, in which a female and a male must make us, and there must be enough food to last for 40 days.
The animals then were ordered to board the ark by God.
After some time had gone, Noah decided to release a dove outside to see if there was any land for them to travel on, but there was none.
Noah repeated this process until the dove did not return the third time, at which point he peered outside and noticed the earth was dry.
Now you must leave the ark, and the world is for you, God declared to Noah.
Noah made a sacrifice and constructed an altar to honour God. Noah's family was blessed by God, and then a rainbow appeared.
As the years passed, Adam's offspring multiplied in number, but they also grew in wickedness. When God saw all of these evil deeds, he resolved to wipe out all of the people and creatures he had created.
Noah, on the other hand, was a man who worshipped and adored God no matter what. The world has gone wicked, God said Noah, and I intend to obliterate everything and everyone in it except you and your family. As a result, God chose to save him, his wife and their 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God I trust you and I will do what you say
God instructed Noah, He will bring a big flood to sweep across the land, and you must construct an ark, in which a female and a male must make us, and there must be enough food to last for 40 days.
The animals then were ordered to board the ark by God.
After some time had gone, Noah decided to release a dove outside to see if there was any land for them to travel on, but there was none.
Noah repeated this process until the dove did not return the third time, at which point he peered outside and noticed the earth was dry.
Now you must leave the ark, and the world is for you, God declared to Noah.
Noah made a sacrifice and constructed an altar to honour God. Noah's family was blessed by God, and then a rainbow appeared.
As the years passed, Adam's offspring multiplied in number, but they also grew in wickedness. When God saw all of these evil deeds, he resolved to wipe out all of the people and creatures he had created.
Noah, on the other hand, was a man who worshipped and adored God no matter what. The world has gone wicked, God said Noah, and I intend to obliterate everything and everyone in it except you and your family. As a result, God chose to save him, his wife and their 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
God I trust you and I will do what you say
God instructed Noah, He will bring a big flood to sweep across the land, and you must construct an ark, in which a female and a male must make us, and there must be enough food to last for 40 days.
The animals then were ordered to board the ark by God.
After some time had gone, Noah decided to release a dove outside to see if there was any land for them to travel on, but there was none.
Noah repeated this process until the dove did not return the third time, at which point he peered outside and noticed the earth was dry.
Now you must leave the ark, and the world is for you, God declared to Noah.
Noah made a sacrifice and constructed an altar to honour God. Noah's family was blessed by God, and then a rainbow appeared.