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مخطط فين لشخصية الصيف المجنون

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مخطط فين لشخصية الصيف المجنون
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قارن وقارن بين شخصيتين أو ثلاث شخصيات من One Crazy Summer بقلم ريتا ويليامز جارسيا

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  • دلفين مقابل فونيتا مقابل فيرن
  • صيف واحد مجنون بقلم ريتا ويليامز جارسيا مقارنة الشخصيات: الأخوات Gaither
  • Vonetta - Middle sister at 9 years old- Dramatic- Excitable- Interested in the latest fashion, boys, and fitting in- Always seeking attention- Loves to perform- Wants to be a TV or movie star someday
  • Delphine - Oldest sister at 11 years old- Responsible and organized- Caring and mature- More aware of the racism and injustices around them- Resentful towards Cecile, as she has had to take on the "mother" role- Does not like to speak in public- Does not like to get emotional or overly excited in public- Always stands up for her sisters and tries her best to do what's right
  • All Three - Raised by Pa and Big Ma- Abandoned by their mother- Excited to be in California but apprehensive as well- Grow throughout the novel during their California adventure- Love each other very much!
  • Fern - Youngest sister at 7 years old- Looks up to Delphine- Likes to spar with Vonetta- Loves her baby doll Miss Patty Cake- Pensive and thoughtful- A poet like her mother- Able to stand up for herself despite her young age.
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