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Storyboard That

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Zkuste to zdarma!

Storyboard Text

  • It wasI who cut down the cedar,I who leveled the forest,I who slew Humbaba andnow see what has becomeof me.
  • Listen, my friend, this is the dream I dreamed last night.The heavens roared, and earth rumbled back an answer;between them stood I before an awful being, the somber-facedman-bird; he had directed on me his purpose.
  • His was a vam-pire face, his foot was a lion’s foot, his hand was an eagle’s talon.He fell on me and his claws were in my hair, he held me fast andI smothered; then he transformed me so that my arms becamewings covered with feathers. He turned his stare towardsme, and he led me away to the palace of Irkalla,1 the Queenof Darkness, to the house from which none who enters ever returns, down the road from which there is no comingback.
  • There is the house whose people sit in darkness; dust istheir food and clay their meat. They are clothed like birds withwings for covering, they see no light, they sit in darkness. Ientered the house of dust and I saw the kings of the earth, theircrowns put away forever; rulers and princes, all those who oncewore kingly crowns and ruled the world in the days of old. Theywho had stood in the place of the gods like Anu and Enlil, stoodnow like servants to fetch baked meats in the house of dust, tocarry cooked meat and cold water from the water skin.
  • In thehouse of dust which I entered were high priests and acolytes,2priests of the incantation and of ecstasy; there were servers ofthe temple, and there was Etana, that king of Kish whom theeagle carried to heaven in the days of old. I saw also Samuqan,god of cattle, and there was Ereshkigal, the Queen of theUnderworld; and Belit-Sheri squatted in front of her, she whois recorder of the gods and keeps the book of death. She held atablet from which she read. She raised her head, she saw me andspoke: ‘Who has brought this one here?’ Then I awoke like aman drained of blood who wanders alone in a waste of rushes;like one whom the bailiff 3 has seized and his heart poundswith terror.” “My friend, the great goddess cursed me and Imust die in shame. I shall not die like a man fallen in battle;I feared to fall, but happy is the man who falls in the battle,for I must die in shame.”
  • “Now I will pray to the greatgods, for my friend had an ominous dream.”
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