Ok students, for the upcoming presidential vote I urge you guys to vote red!
Vote red? I was going to vote whatever my parents did, but because cause Prof J said red, I will!
I don't think thats right. Your vote is supposed to be your own choice,, not just because someone told you to, but Im going to ask my mom.
Skluzavka: 2
Hey mom! How do I know who to vote for ? Should I vote for someone just because someone tells me to?
Hey son, who you vote for is your own choice, you vote for who you believe has your best interest at heart. No one should sway or try to get you to change your mind just because its who they like.
Skluzavka: 3
Im not sure who told you this, but I am the professor, and this is my classroom. I can say what I want to who I want. Since you are a teenager and I am an adult, you should pay attention to what I say.
Reader, do you think it should be allowed in classrooms for faculty to address their own political veiws?
Hey Prof J , I don't think it was right for you to tell us to vote for your own choice. If anything, you could've educated us on the campaign instead of just saying vote for them.