Warning: Do not record copyrighted materials (background music, movie or tv clips, etc.)
Mick and Jack are friends from school. Mick invites Jack for a playdate. They are happy seeing each other and excited to be spending time together. They were casually catching up when there is an alert on Mick's computer, a friend request on Facebook.
Jack points out to the computer and informs Mick about the friend request on Facebook. Mick is in a state of confusion wondering who the request might be from. But at the same time, he pretends to act cool and hoping that Jack would be jealous of him.
Mick asks Jack if he knew who the request was from. He was cautious about the situation and wanted to protect his friend. Playing cool, Mick had no clue who the person was but was willing to accept the request anyways. He was just about to click on the confirm button, when he heard Mick Scream, "No, Stttooooppp".
A complete stranger, from a different place eagerly awaits for Jack to confirm his friend request. He has been sending friend request to different people across the globe and once they accept, he gets hold of all their personal information, name, date of birth, address, phone number, photographs, credit card details if any.
Jack warns Mick of the dangers of not abiding with Digital Citizenship. He explains Mick of all the harms that can be brought upon his whole family and himself if his personal information gets into the hands of the wrong people.
An important message is conveyed regarding the responsible use of technology, the internet and digital devices to engage with society on any level. Online safety should be practiced to ensure the wellbeing of your loved ones and yourself. Mick is very grateful to Jack for such a valuable and important lesson.
Hey Jack, I am so glad I could come over to your house for a play date
Hi Mick, I am so thrilled to have you over at my place.
New Friend Request
Jack, you have a friend request.
Huh....I wonder who that is....anyways, its so cool, Mick would be soooooo jealous.
Do you know the person who sent you that request???
Nah....but I will accept it anyways...what difference does it make???
No, Stoooopp, Do you know, once you accept the request, the other person gets access to all your personal information, like your name, where you stay, which school do you go to, your telephone number?
Mick, you should never accept requests from strangers...please remember that.
Thanks Jack, I did not realise the serious dangers of not being responsible on the Internet. You're a good friend. Thank you