Martin Luther King's most famous speech was the one he gave against poverty
we need rights
I have a dream, All the people of America BLACK and white living together in peace and freedom
We want to be free
shut up stupid black
you have no rights your opinion is not valid
huiu huiu!!!
In Chicago the Black Panthers demonstrated violently for the restrictions unlike Martin
stop discriminating
In the years 1500-1700 black people were transported to the United States and the World by means of BLACK ships
I don't speak BLACK
Give me food please
Where will they take us?
At first, his parents named him Michael King, but when his father traveled to Germany, he was inspired by Martin Luther and changed his name to the one we all know.
is our son good?, are you okay?
On January 15, 1929, Mr. Martin Luther King and Mrs. Alberta Williams King left the hospital along with their son Martin Luther King.
Yes, its all good dont worry
enter the house, RIGHT NOW
I can't hang out with you anymore, you're black
His friend's name was Warren. when martinschool started, looked for Warren, but he wasn't there. After theschool went to Warren's house and asked to play with him
but if we are friends
Young Martin disagreed with his father
if you want to change things you have to act dad
He himself knew what it meant.segregation. When I was very little, I played with a white boy to the otherstreet side of your house
Segregation is wrong, but things will get better with time