Good morning, let's start by analyzing the situation we find ourselves in and define how, when and where we will get to.
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Goodmorning Madam Director, it is necessary to take actions for the future of thecompany, that is why I would like to implement a strategic plan
Structure of a Strategic Plan
Let's start by establishing the reason for the company's existence (mission), and where we want to go (vision), and the values that will help us achieve the goals of the vision.
We must carry out an internal and external evaluation
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What to measure?
around, strategic direction,financialcustomers,internal processes (value chain)training and growthdad.
to achieveresults that we should measure?
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fBusinessdiagnosis is the process of evaluating and analyzing the current state of acompany to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Thiscomprehensive analysis helps understand how the company is performing invarious aspects, such as management, finance, human resources, marketing,operations and more
For theenvironment: competitive profile matrix, In addressing: strategic positionmatrix.In thefinancial: balance sheet.Forclients: market research system.Internalprocesses: indicators and inductors.Fortraining and growth: evaluation by competencies.
And whatinstruments should we use?
Goodmanagement models must be sought given the structure and developmentpossibilities.Goodmanagement models must be sought given the structure and developmentpossibilities.
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In the diagnosis, the current situation of the company and its environment is identified, that is, variable facts, events and situations of the internal and external environment.
Matriz D.A.F.O. - F.O.D.A. - S.W.O.T.
D.A.F.O It is a method ofanalysis that is attributed to Albert Humphrey, professor at StanfordUniversity in the 1960s - 1970s.P.E.S.T. Itis a matrix for the analysis of the environment and the situation with astructure derived from the SWOT which it can complement in certaincircumstances.
What matrices are we going to use to start?
Matriz D.A.F.O. - F.O.D.A. - S.W.O.T.
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The measurement instruments and indicators must be sufficient for results in the organization.
And we will get better results
Let's start working
"Businessdiagnosis is a continuous process. It is crucial to continue evaluating andadjusting strategies to keep the company growing