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French Revolution

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French Revolution
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  • The french and Indian war
  • France Became Bankrupt
  • Welp time to tax the poor
  • My Lords we are poor 
  • The influence of the eenlightenment
  • These taxes are to unfair to us we can barley keep up with the monthly payment as is
  • I think its time to do something about it!!
  • Yea lets make our country fair for everyone!!!!!
  • I think im going to get kicked out of my home due to the taxes they put on us
  • Yea lets show them!
  • The french and indian war was an important war due to the fact that they were fighting the ohio river valley which was going to be made into a public trade route but the indians did not agree to much with that so they went to war this war ended up costing the french a lot of money.
  • The Tennis court oath
  • Due to the king and queens money spending and also having to pay for the French and Indian war and also supporting the American revolution.
  • The people of the third class were starting to get fed up with these crazy taxes they have been forced to pay, when enlightenment ideas started to be thrown around the people started to really get wrestles because they wanted change.
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