Well ,most of them did porly in the partial, lt's review a little to better understand the topics. LET US BEGIN
Ramiro, whatare the phasechanges?
A change is phase when a substance passes from one phase to another that can coexist with the first.
Although in general, when speaking of phases of a substance,reference is made to the three states of aggregation of matter: solid, liquid and gas
There is conduction within a body or between two bodies that are in contact. We found three different ways of heat transfer: conduction, convention, and radiation
Conduction: It is the transferof heat through immobilemat er by physical contact(mat er is stationary on amacroscopic scale:
we know that the thermalmovement of atoms and moleculesoccurs at any temperature aboveabsolute zero).
Q= hA DeltaT
When this change involves going from asolid to a liquid phase, we speak of heat of fusion and when the change oc urs froma liquid to a gaseous state, we speak of heat of vaporization.
what are heat transfer mechanism?
Radiation: Radiative heat transfer ocurs when microwaves, infrared radiation, visiblelight, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation are emited or absorbed.
Well ,most of them did porly in the partial, lt's review a little to better understand the topics. LET US BEGIN
Ramiro, whatare the phasechanges?
A change is phase when a substance passes from one phase to another that can coexist with the first.
Although in general, when speaking of phases of a substance,reference is made to the three states of aggregation of matter: solid, liquid and gas
There is conduction within a body or between two bodies that are in contact. We found three different ways of heat transfer: conduction, convention, and radiation
Conduction: It is the transferof heat through immobilemat er by physical contact(mat er is stationary on amacroscopic scale:
we know that the thermalmovement of atoms and moleculesoccurs at any temperature aboveabsolute zero).
Q= hA DeltaT
When this change involves going from asolid to a liquid phase, we speak of heat of fusion and when the change oc urs froma liquid to a gaseous state, we speak of heat of vaporization.
what are heat transfer mechanism?
Radiation: Radiative heat transfer ocurs when microwaves, infrared radiation, visiblelight, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation are emited or absorbed.
Well ,most of them did porly in the partial, lt's review a little to better understand the topics. LET US BEGIN
Ramiro, whatare the phasechanges?
A change is phase when a substance passes from one phase to another that can coexist with the first.
Although in general, when speaking of phases of a substance,reference is made to the three states of aggregation of matter: solid, liquid and gas
There is conduction within a body or between two bodies that are in contact. We found three different ways of heat transfer: conduction, convention, and radiation
Conduction: It is the transferof heat through immobilemat er by physical contact(mat er is stationary on amacroscopic scale:
we know that the thermalmovement of atoms and moleculesoccurs at any temperature aboveabsolute zero).
Q= hA DeltaT
When this change involves going from asolid to a liquid phase, we speak of heat of fusion and when the change oc urs froma liquid to a gaseous state, we speak of heat of vaporization.
what are heat transfer mechanism?
Radiation: Radiative heat transfer ocurs when microwaves, infrared radiation, visiblelight, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation are emited or absorbed.
Well ,most of them did porly in the partial, lt's review a little to better understand the topics. LET US BEGIN
Ramiro, whatare the phasechanges?
A change is phase when a substance passes from one phase to another that can coexist with the first.
Although in general, when speaking of phases of a substance,reference is made to the three states of aggregation of matter: solid, liquid and gas
There is conduction within a body or between two bodies that are in contact. We found three different ways of heat transfer: conduction, convention, and radiation
Conduction: It is the transferof heat through immobilemat er by physical contact(mat er is stationary on amacroscopic scale:
we know that the thermalmovement of atoms and moleculesoccurs at any temperature aboveabsolute zero).
Q= hA DeltaT
When this change involves going from asolid to a liquid phase, we speak of heat of fusion and when the change oc urs froma liquid to a gaseous state, we speak of heat of vaporization.
what are heat transfer mechanism?
Radiation: Radiative heat transfer ocurs when microwaves, infrared radiation, visiblelight, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation are emited or absorbed.