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Stages of Meiosis

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Stages of Meiosis
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  • The first step of meiosis is the Prophase 1.
  • Homologous chromosomes couple and form synapses during prophase I, a step specific to meiosis. Bivalents are paired chromosomes, and the creation of chiasmata induced by genetic recombination is visible. Chromosomal condensation allows these to be viewed in the microscope
  • A homologous pair's two chromosomes face opposing poles in metaphase I. Each of the four chromatids (and, of course, both homologous pairs) now possesses slightly different genetic material due to recombination. Following these processes, one of the homologous pairs will be pulled to one end of the cell, while the other will be pulled to the opposite end.
  • Next step is the metaphase 1.
  • Anaphase 1 When homologous chromosomes split, I starts. Nucleoli reappear when the nuclear envelope reforms. The centrosomes begin to move apart as the chromosomes coil up and the nuclear membrane begins to dissolve. Sister chromatids align to the equator of the cell, and spindle fibers develop.
  • During Telophase 1, The chromosomes are encased in nuclei during telophase I. The cell now goes through cytokinesis, which separates the original cell's cytoplasm into two daughter cells. Each daughter cell is haploid, with only one set of chromosomes, or half of the mother cell's total number of chromosomes.
  • The sister chromatids within the two daughter cells split during meiosis II, resulting in the formation of four additional haploid gametes. Meiosis II follows the same mechanics as mitosis, with the exception that each dividing cell contains only one set of homologous chromosomes. As a diploid cell undergoing mitosis, each cell has half the amount of sister chromatids to split apart.
  • Again, I am your teacher in General Biology. I hoped that all of you learned something new today. Thank you class dismiss.
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