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2. No! No more of you asking me for money. We are going to get you into making a buget for yourself.
1. Mom! I spent all of the money in my pay check this week. Would it be okay if I could barow some money
2. You will need a buget if you don't want to spend your whole paycheak like you just did.
1. But Mom I don't know what a buget is, and why do need one anyway?
One way is the 20/30/50 strategy.
1. Tell me, how do to buget.
2.Well you would put 20% of your money into savings. 30% into your wants. Then 50% into your needs.
1. What's that?
Then you would just switch the %'s, but don't take to much out of savings.
1. What if I want to put more or less into Savings or Wants.
3.Why not?
1. Because you want to be prepared for an emergnecy or so you can save up for collage.
2. Thanks mom, I think I'll start to use a buget to save my money
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