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Just Try

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Just Try
Storyboard That

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Zkuste to zdarma!

Storyboard Text

  • You Never Fail Unil...
  • I wish I was going anywhere else but school...
  • What is this teacher talking about! I don't get it!
  • y=mx+b
  • No, This work is stupid!
  • I hate it here!
  • Jimmy, can I help you with your work? What is bothering you?
  • Have tried to read your directions at all?
  • What we could do is give Jimmy some options. Maybe suggest a small reward if he completes his work, or give him the ability to take a little break after working.
  • I think it would also be a good idea to set him up with some peers to help him along.
  • Ann, I really need some help with Jimmy, he is getting so upset and won't even try to attempt his assignments.
  • Good job Jimmy!
  • Wow, I cant believe my ideas are good!
  • Way to go Jimmy! that was a great answer!
  • You Stop Trying!
  • I had a great day! I can't wait to come back tomorrow?
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