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Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 5

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Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 5
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  • Juliet-”(To herself) The only man I love is the son of the only man I hate! I saw him too early without knowing who he was, and I found out who he was too late! Love is a monster for making me fall in love with my worst enemy!”
  • Welcome, gentlemen. The ladies who don't have corns on their toes will dance with you. Ha, my ladies, which of you will refuse to dance now? Whichever of you acts shy, I'll swear she has corns.
  • Musicians, play music. Make room in the hall. Make room in the hall. Shake a leg, girls.
  • She stands out against the darkness like a jeweled earring hanging against the cheek of an African. She's too beautiful to die and be buried. She outshines the other women like a white dove in the middle of a flock of crows.
  • Before this quote was mentioned, it all started in a ball, the Capulet masquerade ball. As things were being prepared, Lord Capulet started to welcome the incoming guest. Romeo also makes an entrance as a disguised masker.
  • Uncle, this man is a Montague--our enemy. He's a scoundrel who's come here out of spite to mock our party.
  • The ball starts. Lord Capulet welcomes the gentlemen and gentlewomen who’ve arrived. He commerces with and greets them as they come in. At the same time, he instructs and manages the ball.
  • Well then, saint, let lips do what hands do. I'm praying for you to kiss me. please grant my prayer so my faith doesn't turn to despair.
  • As Lord Capulet commences to his own thing, Romeo is still in disguise as a masker. As he looks around the room, he spots a beauty that leaves him in awe. In a state of amazement, he speaks his mind out loud comparing her to anything that marks a sense of beauty to him.
  • Is she a Capulet?! Oh, this is a heavy price to pay! My life is in the hands of my enemy.
  • As Romeo speaks his mind, Tybalt overhears him. Tybalt recognizes this voice as a voice belonging to a Montague. Taken over by his hatred for Montagues; he hassles Lord Capulet whose talking with his guest. Lord Capulet isn’t threatened by Romeo's presence like Tybalt and urges Tybalt to behave.
  • Then after, Romeo meets the beauty, As they commerce, Romeo’s words and charmingness gives the beauty an interest in him. As Romeo talks with smooth words and phrases, the beauty plays along, and with smooth actions at the same time, Romeo delivers a kiss.#160;
  • After they kiss, they talk some more. The beauty's nurse soon arrives and reveals the beauty's identity as being Juliet, a Capulet. Romeo falls in disbelief after hearing this and deeply regrets his actions. He soon leaves without hesitation as Benvolio shouts out his name. After Romeo’s departure, Romeo’s identity is also revealed by the nurse to Juliet. Juliet is astonished by who he is and questions her new love for the man she’s supposedly supposed to hate.
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