King Minos instructed Daedalus, a famous architect and inventor to design and build him a labyrinth, and he had to do it very quickly.
"Thank you, Sir."
"The labyrinth is better than I expected." Thank you for building this."
well done better than I expected.
King Minos wanted to trap his enemies in the labyrinth so they get eaten up by the Minotaur out of pure meanness.
"Yes Sir, is there any particular reason?"
"Bring the minatour into the labyrinth NOW!!"
"But king we have done nothing wrong, please don't do this!"
"I have nothing for you to do so you can go in as the beast's first victims and get EATEN!!"
"GIVE ME FOOD, I'm hungry for human flesh"
They lured the minatour into the labyrinth with a piece of fresh meat and trapped him in there.
"Dad. HELP ME!!!, I won't disobey your orders anymore!"
Daedalus created wings from birds feathers and wax. They managed to escape onto the beach. Icarus was warned to keep away from the sun.Too late, Icarus plunged to his death
"I told you to keep away from the sun, now you must suffer the consequences."