Anglické Frázové Sloveso: Hold Up

Loupit se zbraní v ruce
Ke zpoždění
Aby zůstali v dobré kondici
Podepřít něco na vysoké pozici, aby to bylo vidět
Podporovat někoho nebo něco, aby se zabránilo pádu

Příklad vět pro anglické frázové sloveso Hold Up

  1. Skupina zadržela banku a ukradla 100 000 dolarů.
  2. Nějaký dobytek utekl z pole a zdržoval provoz na silnici.
  3. Učitel chtěl, aby studenti drželi své plakáty, aby je každý viděl.
  4. Když se narodí žirafy, jejich nohy jsou za normálních okolností není dostatečně silná, aby držet sebe nahoru.
  5. Šest měsíců po nehodě, Barbara nazvaný vidět, jak Yi Lin nervy byly zvedl.

Anglické frázové sloveso, to hold up , je přechodné a oddělitelné.

English Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs can be extremely tricky for learners of English. The reason for this is twofold: there are lots of them and their meaning is not always obvious from the words that make them up. To make things even more difficult, phrasal verbs can have multiple meanings, adding to the headache for learners.

A phrasal verb is made up of a main verb with an attached preposition or adverb. An example of a phrasal verb is run into. Where run is the main verb and into is the preposition. Phrasal verbs can be separated into two groups, intransitive and transitive verbs. Intransitive phrasal verbs do not have a direct object: go out, for example, "I want to go out tonight". Transitive phrasal verbs have a direct object and they can be split up into two further categories: separable and inseparable. With separable transitive phrasal verbs, the verb and the preposition can be split up. For example, both “turn off the radio” and “turn the radio off” are both correct. Inseparable phrasal verbs cannot be split up. For example, “I’ll look after you” is correct, but “I’ll look you after” is not.

Using Storyboard That you can prepare a visual dictionary of phrasal verbs quickly and easily. Even better than that, have your students create their own phrasal verb visual definitions.