Facts About Utah Activity

Tato aktivita Storyboard That je součástí plánů lekcí Průvodce Státem Utah

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Webs are an excellent tool to help students organize facts in a systematic and visual manner. Students will research Utah and use the blank template provided to show what they have learned. They will then create a 6 cell web that includes the state motto, flower, tree, and bird, capital and other major cities, a famous citizen, date of statehood, nickname, and an interesting tourist spot for Utah. This activity could be used as part of a Regions of the United States unit, or as part of an informational research unit.

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Due Date:

Objective: Create a 6 cell web that includes the state motto, flower, tree, and bird, capital and other major cities, a famous citizen, date of statehood, nickname, and an interesting tourist spot for Utah.

Student Instructions:

  1. Click “Start Assignment”.
  2. Write the state name in the middle space.
  3. Create an illustration that represents each heading (Cities, State Motto, etc.) using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
  4. Write a short summary of each heading in the space below the illustration.
  5. Save often!

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Průvodce Státem Utah

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