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pool´s day

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pool´s day
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Текст на Статията

  • Yesterday, my little cousin and I woke up early to get ready to hang out with the family. we had to arrive the as fasst as posible because our aunts and cousins were waiting for us in the hotel (the place where the pool was) because of that we took a taxi.
  • But when we arrived we were too hungry, it was 1pm, so then we order some dishes to eat.
  • We took a rest beacuse we just ate so we didn't want to have cramps but, we used that time to talk with our aunt.
  • After the rest, we got into the pool, we played with a ball and we did competitions in the water, we had a lot of funny the time that we were in the pool.
  • Afert left the pool, we went to eat, we arrived to a cool place with a nice environment, someone took our order, later the waiter brought our order, the food was great.
  • We were so tired, we haven't done exercise in a long time. After eating we noticed that was too late then we said goodbye to our aunts and cousins and took the car and go home.
  • The end
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