Hey, wanna learn something about biology, ofcourse, with this you'll be able to gain more knowledge!!!
Uhmm yea sure, just make sure that it won't dissapoint me or else i will eat you
So shall we start? First let me introduce you in biology, Biology is the study of all living things and how they interact with each other & their environment.
Cell is the basic unit structure & function.All organisms are made of one or more cells, even you and me!
Yes, yes they do have cells.
Hmm, i see i see, so a trees have cells too?
Next, let's go with evolution.Natural selection or what they called(survival of the fittest is the process that drives evolution.
Mmm, so in other words, they will extinct, or most likely evolve.That makes sense.
So example, An oak leave, the catterpillar will eat the oak leave and the bird will eat the catterpillar and next a big bird will eat the small bird and that's how it ends.
Next is food chain, very simple, your prey has their own prey and the prey of your prey has it's own food until the food chain reaches to grass.
Next, is Ecosystem and SystemSystem, has properties based on the arrangement and interactions of its parts
Ecosystem, organisms in the ecosystem requires a steady supply of certain chemicals to live.
I see i see, uhm my wolf friend, i need to go maybe we could continue this tommorow. Thanks for the knowledge