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photosynthesis comic strip

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photosynthesis comic strip
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Текст на Статията

  • Hey look a flower, I guess a little snack wouldn't hurt.
  • Wait, can't you just let a flower like me live in peace I have to work so hard in fact let me tell you about what I do every day
  • Ok, will listen
  • water from the ground 
  • light from the sun for energy
  • I'm an autotroph, which means I need to make my own food from the energy from the sun, water for electrons, and carbon dioxide
  • carbon from creature
  • CO2
  • I take these things in through my leaves. Which then gets transported tot he chloroplast where the magic happens. 
  • CO2
  • CO2
  • In the chloroplast, the reactants are turned into products which are oxygen and ATP, that energy is transferred to you when you eat the plant.
  • O2
  • O2
  • And that's how I make food.
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