once I conceive the idea of murdering the old man, the idea haunted me every day/night
rising Action one
did you sleep well last night
yes, but some coffee would make it better
rising Action 2
who is there
The antagonist in the story is the narrator. He begins the story by saying that he is not crazy by telling us how smart he planed and carried out the murder of an old man.
I recall that I was kindest to the old man during the 7 days before I killed him. and every night at midnight I would open the door slowly and open a crevice and shine a ray of light from my lantern on that eye for that eye vexed me but every night it would be closed and I would find my self unable to kill that man. and every morning I would ask him hoe he slept.
falling action
As the narrator watched the old man sleep he laughed and the old man woke. After standing still for a bit there narrator moved the door open even further. just sufficient enough to fit the lantern and he put the ray of light on the eye.
In an instent I sreaked and pulled the old man of the bed and got the mattress over him suffocating him. the deed was done that eye will bother me no more