We are here today because of the store robbery and the murder of Mr.Nesbitt.
pg 21 2nd to last paragraph. Petrocelli says how there are hardworking citizens in our community who are decent. Also how there are monsters in our community who are willing to kill and steal. This will affect Steve Harmon greatly
Steve writes down the word monster over and over again while Kathy O' Brien crosses them out. Since Petrocelli called him one, he can't get over it. pg.24
Steve's mother clasps her hands together in hope that Steve isn't found guilty. pg 276
Steve writes a diary entry about the horrors of being in a detention center. pg 45
Steve is so happy that he has won the case, he goes in for a hug with Kathy O' Brien pg 276
I can hardly think about the movie, I hate this place so much.
James King is found guilty by the jury and he is taken out of the court room. pg 276
James king, the jury finds you guilty.
Im guilty......
You have to believe in yourself if we're going to convince a jury that you're innocent.
As Steve has his arms open O' Brien stiffens her shoulders, grabs her suitcase of papers and denies the hug with Steve. pg 276
Steve's dad distances himself and James king, Osvaldo and Bobo all are in jail. pg 279
A Steve Harmon Film
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2470655 - Darius Krause - (Разрешително Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed
518245 - PhotoMIX Company - (Разрешително Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed