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Slika Pripisov:

New Blue Door ( - Andrew Beeston - Licenca: Attribution (

The door is a means for Hyde to enter and leave the Jekyll residence unhindered. It gives Jekyll the freedom to embrace his inner evil and go about the city without ever being held accountable to his servants or friends. When Jekyll resolves to stop turning into Hyde, he crushes the key to the door; however, it does not stop Hyde from returning.

Hyde's face exudes pure evil; the mere sight of him inspires people to hate him, fear him, or be completely repulsed by him. Hyde himself is small in stature, because he is the side of Jekyll’s personality that hasn’t been nourished: the evil side that has been repressed for years.

The salt that Jekyll uses to finalize and perfect his experiment is impure. This impurity is what allows the experiment to work, and brings out the impurity in Jekyll. When Jekyll is struggling to stay as Jekyll, he discovers all of the new samples of this salt are pure. It is in this moment that Jekyll realizes he cannot be saved.





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