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Hi I am Charlie, a pollution Activist right now I will be talking about what is pollution .

These areMaryand

Georgetheyasked me to spread awareness about pollution so people know what danger we all are in.

Pollutionis the exposure ofharmfulmaterials into theenvironment. These harmful materials are calledpollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such asvolcanic ash. They can also be created by the thing humans do, such as trash orrunoffproduced by factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.Many things that are needed in daily life to people produce pollution. Carsgive out tons of smoke from theirexhaustpipes. Burningfossil fuelsto createenergypollutes the air. Industries and homescreategarbage andsewagethat can pollute the land, air because of the harmful gasses and chemicals and water.Pesticides—chemicalpoisons used to kill weeds and insects—make their wayintowaterways and harmwildlife.

All living creatures—from one-celled
bacteria to blue whales—depend on Earth’s supply of air and water. When theseresources are filled with pollution, all of life are threatened by extinction.

Air and watercurrents carry pollution. Ocean currents and migrating fish carrymarinepollutants allover the world.Winds can pickupradioactivematerial0 accidentally released from anuclear reactors or warfare and testsand spread it around the world.Pollutantsfrom a factory in one country drifts into another country.

Now, Fossil Fuel-burningpower plants in have spewed so much Smoke that the air around them is extremely toxic

to breathe.

I Am now going to go into depth about WaterPollution.

2. Some polluted water looks muddy brown, smells very odd and bad, and has trash floating inside of it. Some polluted water looks clean, but is filled with harmful chemicals, bacteria and parasites you can’t see or smell.

Polluted water is extremely dangerous for drinking and swimming in Some people who drink water filled with pollutants are exposed to deathly chemicals, parasite that may make them sick a long time later. Others consumebacteriaand other tinyaquaticorganisms that cause, at times fatal, diseases. TheUNestimates that 4,000 children die every day from drinking polluted water.

1. Sometimes, polluted water harms humans and creatures indirectly. They get sick because the fish that live in dirty water are dangerous to eat. They have a great amount of pollutants in their flesh.

There are some natural causes of water pollution. Oil or/and natural gas leaks, For example, oceans and lakes from natural underground sources. These sites are calledpetroleum seeps. The world’s largest petroleum seep is the Coal Oil Point Seep, off the coast of the U.S. state of California. The Coal Oil Point Seep releases such a large amount oil thattar balls end up on close by beaches. Tar balls are small, sticky pieces of pollution that after a whiledecomposein the ocean.
Rivers like the Ganges River are now extremely polluted because many people have dumped ashes of dead people, waste and a lot more. Another river that has a equally polluted segment is Chicago’s Creek part of the Chicago River where garbage, manure and other farming waste has been dumped there for over a 100 years making it very polluted. Taking a dip, living close by or even drinking their water gives you a heightened chance on getting cancer and other deadly diseases.

3. Human activity also causes a lot of water pollution. dangerous chemicals and oils from factories are sometimes throw nor they make their way into waterways. These chemicals are called runoff. Chemicals in runoff can make an extremely toxic and dangerous ecosystem for aquatic life. Runoff can also help create a fertile environment forcyanobacteria, also calledblue-green algae. Cyanobacteria produce extremely fast, creating aharmful algal bloom (HAB). Harmful algal blooms prevent organisms such as plants and fish from living and playing their part in the ecosystem in the ocean. They are called most often with “dead zones” in the world’s lakes and rivers, places where little life exists below the water where our eyes can see.

Miningand drilling often also helps to water pollution.Acid mine drainage(AMD) is a major contributor to pollutants of rivers and streams close by to coal mines. Acid helps miners remove coal from the surrounding rocks. The acid is washed into streams and rivers, where it reacts with rocks andTsand. It releases chemicalSulphurfrom the rocks and sand, creating a river rich insulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is toxic to plants, fish, and other aquatic organisms. Sulfuric acid is also toxic to people, making rivers polluted by AMD highly dangerous sources of water for drinking andhygiene.

Things I can do to reduce this type of pollution- We should not wash out cars in the driveway instead in a place like a lawn so that the water is absorbed. We should use less plastic as a lot of it ends up in the ocean and takes a longtime to biodegrade. We should not throw oil, cleaning chemicals or toxic chemicals down the drain as it ends up in sewage and maybe even in the ocean. Do not throw items such as clothes, tissues and other medical material or waste down the toilet as it to ends up in sewage and at times even in the ocean. If you have a garden install a rainwater harvesting system so you can save water as a garden needs a lot of it. For your garden avoid herbicides or pesticides as they are very dangerous to the environment and ecosystems. Do not litter near a water body or anywhere except for dustbins as it makes places dirty damaging ecosystems . We can stop overusing

electricity, carpool etc


Science has a big impact on pollution both good and bad the bad is, a lot of science is being applied to warfare ,namely nuclear weapons. These weapons of mass destruction cause a virtually everlasting damage and a lot of things can go wrong in both tests and use as weapons as they give out a lot of radiation what completely destroy the environment. Of course, there are other ways that it affects the environment like failed common science tests and the endless technology and noise these days sometimes does not allow us to sleep. The urban constructions need more space causing trees to be deforestation. The evolution of cars, planes, trains and busses/trucks give out a lot of smoke. Most importantly plastic the cause of many animal deaths and pollution. Now the good effects are the ways to save pollution like windmills, solar panel, hydroelectricity etc. Today vehicles are electric or hybrid not causing pollution there are more efficient ways to deal with garbage, sewage, plastic etc. There are now more efficient ways to deal with pollution so now we know that there is a line of defence saving us from extinction.

WOW we neverknew there was so much about pollution. Thanks for telling us Charlie

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