After the Highway Man retreats from the torrenting winds, he came in ready to the old-inn door and made a tune so Bess (The Landlord's black-eyes daughter) and tells her to meet him at moonlight after the Highway Man confesses his love
Пързалка: 2
Tom the ostler spies and calls the redcoats (army)
Tom the Ostler spies and becomes really jealous and then informs the redcoats about the situation
Пързалка: 3
The redcoats capture Bess and tie her
They drank ale from the Landlord and stormed in and gagged Bess and tied her to the bed with muskets to their side and it seemed like there was no hope but they were going to check something and told to keep watch
Пързалка: 4
Bess kills herself to save the Highway Man
She tried and tried but the knots wouldnt budge, but with the Musket it got cut but she heard the horses come closer, then to warn the highway man, she kills herself
Пързалка: 5
The Highway Man is killed by the redcoats
The Highway Man curses at the sky and attracts the attraction of the Redcoats, who kill him on the spot.
Пързалка: 6
The Highway Man finds Bess as a Spirit
After the Highway Man retreats from the torrenting winds, he came in ready to the old-inn door and made a tune so Bess (The Landlord's black-eyes daughter) and tells her to meet him at moonlight after the Highway Man confesses his love