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Ancient Egyptian Government

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Ancient Egyptian Government
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Текст на Статията

  • Sweet Osiris! That statue of me, King Maddtut, needs major repair!
  • Pharaohs oversaw the building of all structures and monuments throughout Ancient Egypt.
  • Pharaohs had huge tombs built so that they would always be remembered. They also lived with their family in a Grand Palace. Pharaoh originally meant "Great House."
  • My Pyramid and final resting place to get me to the afterlife is coming along nicely!
  • 3100 B.C.
  • There's even a Library full of scrolls next to the pyramids.
  • Scrolls were used to record stories, events and religious beliefs in order to teach others and maintain their history. They also recorded all laws of Egypt.
  • 3500 B.C.
  • Pharaoh was highly respected and people bowed their head when he was present.The Pharaoh created and issued all common laws.
  • Mighty Pharoh, I beg of you to understand. I was not stealing them, I just wanted to read them and learn.
  • Why would you steal some of our sacred scrolls? You have broken one of our laws!
  • Religion was an important part of Egyptian Life. They worshipped many Gods. People believed Pharaoh was a Living God on Earth.
  • When Pharaoh died he was mummified and placed in the inner chamber of the Pyramid so that his soul would enter the afterlife.
  • My Dear Pharaoh...Egypt will miss you!
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