2.Well obviously I told him no becuase vaping is bad for you, and then I said thanks bye now
1.Hey mom, today I was walking home in the alley, and, this teenager was sitting standing there waiting and he asked me if I wanted to vape
Oh my gosh, what did you tell him
Good job sweet heart
Hey dad, some teen was waiting in th ealley today, and asked me if I wanted to vape and i Obviously told him no he kept nagging at me but I wouldnt give in
OK love you to dad have a good day I just needed to let you know
Good becuase vaping puts metal into your body that you dont even know about until its to late
Ok love you kiddo I have to get back to work now
Vaping puts metal, nickel and a bunch of different kind if bad stuff in your lungs
So never vape kids
I told you to stop vaping grandma but you didnt listen
Did you know vaping1. contains the same chemicas as cleaning materials2. 1 vape can=50 cigarettes
SO jsut remember if you vape you could end up here in the graveyard