The next morning, the 2 dismissed worker are gather with rest of the employees who support them for a strike outside the work place
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Which is totally wrong we shall deal with this matter accourding. I also advice you to stop the illegal strike as it will complicate matters
yesterday we were dismissed without reason nor warning. We are still not sure of what we had done but apparently we were being monitered.
while the strike continues the dismissed workers meet with their trade union organiser to discus the matter.
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We need to fight for our members and set a meeting to negotiate with management
which is a transgression against the LRA
Today I met with 2 members who were unfairly dismissed without any reason and apparently where treated unfairly .
The union organiser meets with the trade union and discuss the matter and also at the end set a meeting with management.
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The decision was based on companies evaluation of performance.
We heard of the transgression which took place and we would like for you to provide reasons for dismissal as it was unfair.
We were never informed nor given nor given a warning.
The trade union ,dismissed workers and management meet up to resolve the issue.
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What needs to happen is that the workers either need to be compensated or given their first warnings and return to work, as you did something which was against the law.
Not forgetting the unfair treatment we recieve.
The issues are stated and a way forward is given which will benefit both workers and management.
Пързалка: 6
I agree with reinstating the workers and giving them a warning for engaging in an illegal strike.
We agree with the terms and we are happy with the outcome.