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Bud not buddy story

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Bud not buddy story
Storyboard That

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Текст на Статията

  • " I know being in a house with three girls is terrible, jerry, but its a lot better than being with a boy who is a couple of years older than you.
  • You really think so? 
  • "I just tried to waken him to make sure he'd gone to the lavatory, Mother. I was just trying to help
  • "No, what really happened was I woke up from a good sleep because it felt like a steam locomotive had jumped the tracks ".
  • "How dare you! This is how you repay me? Not only have you structed him you provoked his asthma.".
  • "tries to break out threw the window"
  • *Reads map book*
  • *Kisses for the first time.*
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