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makato and the cowrie shell idk i js added transition signals lol

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makato and the cowrie shell idk i js added transition signals lol
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Текст на Статията

  • Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Makato. He was an orphan, for his father and mother had died when he was young. so he had to make a living for himself. He did every kind of work carrying heavy things or feeding pigs. He never idled over his work, and even though he was paid only a small wage, he was satisfied.
  • One fine evening after he had finished chopping up a big pile of wood, he sat down for a rest and thought of all he would like to do in the future. He wanted to try his luck in far-off strange lands for he longed for exciting adventures.
  • Some time later, Makato decided to try his fortune. He left his village and set out into the wide world. He walked along cheerfully, enjoying new sights and talking to the people he met on the way. After a month’s journey, he reached a village on the frontier of the kingdom of Sukhothai.
  • The old woman’s husband was one of PraRuang’smahouts, which meant that he helped look after the hundreds of elephants that the king owned. Makato helped themahoutfind food for the elephants and clean out the elephant sheds. He worked hard and well and themahoutand his wife were fond of him.
  • One day the sky was so clear and the weather so fine that it seemed to Makato that it must be a lucky day. As he worked in the elephant sheds, a tall young man in a splendid costume, followed by attendants, came in. It was PraRuang himself. Makato bowed low at once with his hands clasped together before him. His heart beat fast.
  • At that time the people of Sukhothai used cowrie shells as money. Despite one cowrie shell had little value, Makato wanted to make as much use of it as possible, for it was the king’s gift. For a long time he could not think of a way to use it so that it would earn more money for him.
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