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two friends

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two friends
Storyboard That

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Описание на Статията


Текст на Статията

  • Hello Amanda!!! You are early... How are you?? 
  • Good morning Giselle!! What's up?? I just arrive...
  • I would like to know if you wanna to go to the supermarket with me...
  • Sure!!!!
  • Ok I can!! But first I need help to tidy up the books on the shelf!! Could you please help me???
  • Anytime my darling!!!
  • Well... It's all right now. Thanks for your help Amanda!!!
  • There are few people... we can be tranquil...haha!!!
  • Don't worry my dear Giselle... I will pay for you!!! we are friends...
  • OHH!! Thank you so much Amanda... you are my best friend! haha..
  • OMG!!! I forgot my cash in my home!!!!
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