Now let's talk about our last two threats to Internal Validity.
"Demand Characteristics" is when participants understand or know the purpose of the experiment in which it can changes their behavior subconsciously in order fit that scenario
It best to avoid it since it effect the results so in order to deter this bias, researcher may use deception to conceal the true purpose of the study
However when conducting a study its also important to look out of how well you can make the participants feel comfortable and at ease
As it refers to when some participants drop out during the experiment which may become a problem if the dropouts are random
So in order to not deal with the "Experimental Mortality" threat its best when designing an experiment the conditions are made a certain way where the participants don't feel the need to drop out
The last one being the "Experimenter Bias" where in situations the researcher unintentionally exerts an influence onto the results of the study
To make sure this doesn't happen its good to standardize the methods and procedures to minimize differences in experimenter-subject interactions
Wow that sure is a lot to look out for during a study
Sure is
Well this is the end of today's special we hope you will join us next time