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Betrayal Melodrama Storyboard Examples

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Betrayal Melodrama Storyboard Examples
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Описание на Статията

Year 7 melodrama examples for their Betrayal story

Текст на Статията

  • Hi Sally, I'm glad we could meet for lunch. I have a secret to tell you. Can I trust you? 
  • Hi Josie, yes of course you can trust me. What's is it? 
  • Let's walk to my house. I've hidden some money that belongs to my family. Can you look after it while I go away?
  • Wow. Treasure. Yes, I will look after it.
  • It's in this box in my attic. Don't tell anyone, my family are trusting me to look after it. 
  • Absolutely. I won't tell anyone. 
  • Ahh Joseph, Can I trust you to look after the King's treasures? Some in the palace want to steal his money and take his power.
  • Yes my queen. I am your servant and loyal to the king. Where are the treasures hiding? 
  • The treasures are here, under the king's bed, including his crown. Don't tell anyone. We will be gone for 2 days to the country. I am trusting you to look after these.
  • My Queen, I seem to be missing my crown. I am the king and I don't have a crown. Where is it?
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