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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Текст на Статията

  • Jesus Christ suffered#160; and died#160; on the cross to save us from sin.
  • Along Paul's journey, a lot of people believed in him while others didn't.
  • He should of died.
  • People later on found out that there was going to be people that would later#160; on attack them.
  • Omg the Gentiles are coming to attack us.
  • NO!
  • People later on decide to throw things such as rocks at Paul because some believed it was his fault that they were coming to attack them.
  • #160;Attack him!
  • Due to Paul preaching people got to know about Jesus and God. More and more people decided to spread it to and lots of people got to learn about all the good news. Paul then got hi named changed to Saul.
  • Lots of people go to church everyday to learn more and more about God and Jesus Christ.
  • All of this is thanks to Paul!
  • We believe in Christ!
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