The Georgia colonists were required to grow W.R.I.S.T crops (wine(grapes), rice, indigo, silk(mulberries), and tobacco)
Grape wine
AKS: 32E
The British had a great desire for wine. They were usually at war with the French and the Spanish, but they were some of the largest wine producers in the world. So, during the Trustee period, they wanted to be able to produce and sell wine in Great Britain. Unfortunately, the soil and climate in Georgia was not suitable for growing grapes so they were not successful.
Rice was an ideal cash crop because of how easily it could be shipped to GB. The crop was quite easy to grow, but it was only possible in areas with access to water. South Carolina had a suitable environment, but due to land restrictions during the Trustee Period they were not very successful, they were more successful during the Royal Period wen the rescrictions on land were lifted.
Much like rice, indigo grew near areas with sources of water so it was also more suited for South Carolina land. Also due to land restrictions, they were not very successful at growing indigo, but it did become a more successful cash crop during the Royal Period. Indigo plants were used for deep purplish blue dyes.
The colonists were required to grow mulberry trees because it was the silkworms' preferred food. This food would help the silkworms form cocoons and produce silk for fabric, especially since there was a great deal for silk in GB. The Salzburgers had little to no success though due to the hote climate, which was not suitable for the silk worms.
Although tobacco was not an original cash crop the colonists were required to grow, most of the crops they were required to grow did not succeed due to the warm climate. Tobacco managed to survived Gerogia's climate and the colonists were able to make a living out of growing it. As the colony was transitioning from a Trustee colony into the Royal Period, the production of Tobacco increased greatly.