Did you know that we have a science test next week? It's supposed to be about the digestive system and surface area. Did you study?!
Yes! Of course I studied! Especially the questions about how the digestive system makes sure that the surface area of the food you eat is as large as possible, but also making sure that it is uses as little space as possible to be stored.
I mostly studied the small intestine, which is a 7 meter long tube that helps to absorb the nutrients in the food we eat and turn it into energy for our bodies to function.
That's right! The Duodenum is the start of it all, it spans 25 centimeters into the small intestine and this is where most of the absorption happens.
Wow! Those are some cool facts! But did you know that the reason that the small intestine is able to absorb so many nutrients is because of the tiny projections called villi. Even the villi have tiny projections of themselves called microvilli!
Wow! That's sooo cool! But I bet that you didn't know that if you could flatten out the surface area of the small intestine it would almost cover a football field!