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Parts of a sentence

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Parts of a sentence
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Текст на Статията

  • OBJET PRONOUNS are used to replace nouns that are the direct or indirect objet of a sentence. This received the action
  • Example:Can you help ME ?Wait for US!
  • Parts of a sentence
  • Pronouns are a set of words that are used as substitutes for nouns or nouns phrases; there are three types of pronouns:personal, indefinite an interrogative (who, whom)
  • SUBJECT PRONOUNS replace nouns that are the subjet of the sentence. In the 3rd person, are often to avoid repeating the subjects name.
  • Example: YOU forgot OUR lunch box.MARY is tired, so SHE wants to take a nap.
  • An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that does not refer to a specific person or thing.
  • Example:Can SOMEBODY bring me the eraser?EVERYONE here have a notebook.
  • Who should be used to refer to the subject in an interrogative sentence, and whom should be used to refer to the object in an interrogative sentence
  • Interrogative pronouns, were who/whom should be used.
  • Example: WHO is this boy?To WHOM did you sell the house?
  • And finally, possessive pronouns gives information about who is the owner of the noun
  • Example: These cats are not HERS.That house is OURS.
  • .
  • Example:Can you help ME?Wait for US!
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