Commander Sarah Marx reveals just how bad things have gotten for the Jade City Resistance.
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Yes Harkonnen, thank you for arriving on such short notice.
I wanted to tell you the truth about how things have been for the resistance.
You wanted to speak with me commander?
Things, *Sigh*, have gone to scrap for us.
More of us are being found out every day, many of our outposts have gone quiet, supplies are running low, and casualties are higher than ever.
Our allies within Jade-Proper aren't fairing too well either. The Tan Brigade was completely wiped out just last week.
We tried to assassinate the cyber minister two days ago. Turns out, those frakking toasters had a snitch in our cell, and they sent a kill-team after our operatives.
The team barely got out alive, and the sniper died of his wounds just yesterday.
Following our attempt on the minister's life, martial law was declared, and the whole city was locked down.
When the minister declared martial law, scrap really hit the fan for the civilians.
And what of the citizens?
We've been getting reports that the robots are turning against their own citizens too. At least 300 innocent people were taken from their homes in night raids this week alone!
We have to put a stop to this now, or else people will start getting shot and Jade will turn to anarchy!
I agree, but there is not much that we can do at the moment. I will speak to the council as soon as possible, but I cannot make any guarantees.