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Bruiser Project

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Bruiser Project
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Текст на Статията

  • "So, Brewski's got a girlfriend"
  • This is after Cody messes up and says he doesn't even know Brews girlfriends name.
  • I am just gonna keep quiet so I don't say anything else I am not supposed to...
  • "Bound to happen sooner or later. Just as long as she doesnt know about him and what he can do. Your brother's not stupid enough to tell her that.
  • Cody can tell something is going to happen now and it's not a good feeling
  • ...
  • Uncle Hoyt took the cigarette out and studied it for a second.
  • He slowly lowered the lit end toward his arm, just beneath his elbow. He pressed the cigarette to his own skin. Cody gasped.
  • Uncle Hoyt grimaced and hurled the cigarette away, cursing. There was a red spot on his arm for only a couple of seconds and then was gone. And inside Brew screamed bloody murder.
  • "You see that, Cody? It's us that Brew cares about, and God bless him for it. That girl is nothing, nothing at all. Now be a good boy and go tend to your brother.
  • I am just glad that Uncle Hoyt kept his temper and didn't go foul.
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