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Текст на Статията

  • The Battle of Trenton occurred on Thursday, December 26,1776. The battlefield was in Trenton New Jersey. The commanders and leaders of the colonies were George Washington, Nathanael Greene, and John Stark. The leader of the British forces was Johann Rall. General George Washington and his army won.
  • The Battle of Saratoga occurred in September and October in 1777. This took place in Stillwater, Saratoga County, New York. Benedict Arnold is known for betraying his country to the British. The Americans won and this battle was a turning point in the American Revolution.
  • The winter at Valley Forge occurred in the winter of 1777-1778. This took place in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. General Washington chose a site that could be effectively defended when the British were to attack. This proved to be an amazing trial for the American army. Out of 11,000 soldiers that were stationed at Valley Forge, several hundreds died from diseases.
  • The Battle of Yorktown occurred on October 19, 1781. This took place in Yorktown, Virginia. British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and his army surrendered to General Washington, the American force, and its French allies leading them to victory. The outcome in Yorktown marked the start of a new nation’s independence, and the conclusion of the last major battle in the American Revolution.
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