Ostrzeżenie: Nie nagrywaj materiałów chronionych prawem autorskim (muzyki w tle, fragmentów filmów lub programów telewizyjnych itp.)
8. Listen personally for me in order to get over it this is what i did, first you have to accept it don't try to force yourself from not feeling these emotions, feel it!
9. But when will i stop feeling this and erase the memories
14. OFC we can go it'll be fun. But another thing that i want to tell you is that as of now work on yourself by eating healthier and exercising more do something that'll benefit you
15. I think you're right, ill take some time for myself
2. My boyfriend broke up with me.
1.Hey Anna, why are you crying?
3. I see, why though what was his reasoning?
4.He just broke up with me out of nowhere with no explanation. I tried talking to him but he said that we are done
5. Oh wow, i now understand why you're crying, listen if thats how he ended it and then i think you should let it be
6.. I know but i just loved him so much, its so hard trying to go back to how it use to like nothing meant to him
7. I get it i really do, i once too had a special person who i truly loved, when we broke up i was lost and didn't know what to do i get it
10. You won't, the memories will still be there but the feeling of love and attachment you have will slowly leave, itll get better eventually and by the time you know it youll stop thinking about him
11. It seems impossible i don't think ill be able to heal from this
12. You will trust me, if you're having a hard time. try doing something to keep your mind busy, go out with some friends like to a cafe or amusment park
13. That sounds fun, i would like to go one of these days with you and some other friends.
16. I think thats a great idea, remember the best revenge is to find yourself and be happy, Don't depend on others for your happiness, be strong
17. I will thank you for listening to me and giving me advice.
18. No problem if anything you can always talk to me especially when you're feeling down, these next few days,weeks, months will be rough but ill be here to support you and give you more advice
19. i appreciate it, want to go grab something to eat? I'll pay as a thank you for everything.
20. Sure let's go but you don't have to pay for me as a thank you, im always here to help in any way possible for free as your friend