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Текст на Статията

  • I was born on April 7, 2005 in Saltillo Coahuila
  •  I was able to walk a year. My parents used to tell me that when I was one year old I was obsessed with stuffed animals.In my room there were many stuffed animals
  • My family and I were living in Saltillo until we moved,when I was in the first year of preschool.
  • After preschool I was able to enter Nueva Rosita Elementary School
  • When we got to Nueva Rosita I remember that my parents were looking for a house , after a few months we managed to move to a new house
  • My stage in high school was very fun, what I remember the most is when I went out with the escort to march and when, after training my voice, I managed to enter the choir.
  • Currently I am 16 years old I am in high school and studying a specialty in accounting
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