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Immigration Storyboard

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Immigration Storyboard
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Текст на Статията

  • You know, I really think having more immigrants is the right way to go for our country.
  • Oh? And why's that?
  • Well, we have plenty of jobs in some places, but nobody to fill them.
  • That is true.
  • And, our population is starting to meet it's birthrate.
  • Well, I didn't know that one. But I have a counter point.
  • And what's that?
  • Well, what if people are sent to places that don't have work for them?
  • Well, provinces may nominate certain people or abilities they need for their province.
  • And them if they have these said abilities it makes getting in a settling down easier?
  • Yes, it does! It ensures people can get to places they need people.
  • Wow, I had no idea. I'm glad Canada has these policies in place to ensure success for all.
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