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Romeo and Juliet Death Scene

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Romeo and Juliet Death Scene
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Текст на Статията

  • I will, it is my only option.
  • Juliet, you must drink this poison. It will only last for a day. I will tell Romeo that you are not actually dead and you two can go and live in peace.
  • I am very sorry, but Juliet has passed away.
  • Go tell Romeo about what happened and be quick!
  • Yes sir!
  • No! This can't be!
  • Romeo I am sorry, Juliet has passed away.
  • I can't take this anymore, I'm going to drink this poison so I can be with you!
  • Romeo... wait...
  • Romeo!!! I'm sorry, I was too late. I will stab myself so I can be with you forever,
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